Mar 10, 2010

Nissan Leaf

The Nissan Leaf is all electric, therefore it has zero-emission and doesn't use any gas. They have not revealed the exact specifications for the car yet, but it looks stylish. People can actually pre-order it soon, and it starts rolling out by the end of this year.
I'm not sure how I feel about it yet, but my first impression was positive. The first thing I thought of was "cool". The option of never having to pay for gasoline again sounds wonderful, but I'm wondering how long the battery will last in one charge. I'm always going on a lot of long road trips, and I don't want to be stuck in the middle of the road because I ran out of battery.

The interior looks very futuristic and spacious. The gear shift/stick doesn't look like any ordinary one. I'm not sure how it works yet, and it doesn't seem like it uses the traditional car keys to start the car. If only I could test drive one.

Learn more about it: Nissan Leaf Website
(images taken from the official website)

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