Mar 10, 2010

3D Photography

At this year's Winter Olympics, a photographer was spotted sporting a 3D camera. This 3D camera was basically two SLRs rigged together to produce 3D photographs. I don't know how you do it and/or how it works, but it works.

The photographer who owns this camera is David Klutho, who wrote a book about 3D photography. He's also a photographer for Sports Illustrated, and I guess he's the main photographer for the Sports Illustrated 3D issues. His book is called In Your Face 3-D: The Best 3-D Book Ever!. I think it's worth checking out if you're interested in 3D photography.

I think that's the future of photography and film as well. There are more and more movies in 3D now than before. They always make me dizzy for the first few minutes, but I start enjoying it more once the headache subsides and my eyes adjust to the images.

Read more on the Original CNET article

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